Laboratory of visual anthropology of Kazakhstan
The main goal of the laboratory is to create an online platform for the historical and anthropological studies of visual narratives and practices of gaining agency on the visual materials of Kazakhstan culture of the late XIX - early XXI century. It is necessary for modernizing memory studies in Kazakhstan, as well as the development of methodological recommendations for integrating this issue into the educational process. The visual content, which is planned to fill the library of the laboratory, reflects the synergistic nature of the forms of Kazakh culture and provides an opportunity for a comprehensive transdisciplinary study of their evolution from Modern times to our days. According to the general digitalization in the world humanities, transdisciplinary theories of the image are being formed with an emphasis on the evolution of identity, agency and semiotics of the visual. The immersion of the visual in the historical-anthropological context distinguishes between optical perception, a look at the meaning of cultural methods of perception and how historical knowledge is reproduced in images. Within the framework of the laboratory, we propose to immerse the visual culture of Kazakhstan of the Modern Times to our days into a historical context.
The creation of a laboratory of visual anthropology at AbaiKazNPU in a virtual format will effectively implement the following objectives
  • - Placing materials in electronic format: scientific publications, links to online lectures by researchers of visual anthropology and related research topics; monographs and textbooks, scientific articles by researchers - historians, anthropologists, sociologists and other specialists in pdf; published albums with visual sources or links to official websites of electronic libraries, museums, scientific centers, where visual sources are publicly available; methodological instructions for working with visual historical sources (photocopies of archival documents, drawings of the XVIIIth-XXth centuries, photographs of the XIXth-early XXIst centuries, documentary and feature films, television programs of the XXth century), announcements of planned events.
  • - Research and educational work with undergraduate students, undergraduates and doctoral students based on digital tools, which will facilitate the interaction of the faculty of AbaiKazNPU with students and among themselves in order to develop research competencies in the field of visual anthropology.
  • - Organization of scientific conferences, seminars, trainings, scientific internships for researchers.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Institute of History and Law


+7 747 791 0797 – Tenlik Toktarbekovna Dalaeva

+7 777 910 9305 – Igor Vladimirovich Krupko
