About the project
IRN AP08857194 “Visual anthropology and the history of images of Kazakhstan culture in XIX - XXI centuries: evolution and gaining of agency”
IRN AP08857194 “Visual anthropology and the history of images of Kazakhstan culture in XIX - XXI centuries: evolution and gaining of agency”
The main idea of the project is transdisciplinary study of visual culture of Kazakhstan of the end of XIX - beginning. 21st century. The results of the research will contribute to the formation of an innovative base of historical and cultural knowledge and the modernization of historical consciousness.
While visual material has been used more frequently in historical studies as illustrative material, this type of source has a significant heuristic potential for historical research, especially in the new and emerging time, in the context of the expansion of modes of communication and the preservation of visual information and the evolution of forms of visual coding of identity.
The goal of the project is historical-anthropological study of visual narratives and the practice of gaining subjectivity on the visual sources of Kazakh culture of the end of the 19 - beginning 21st century in the context of challenges of modernizing historical consciousness.
The goal of the project is historical-anthropological study of visual narratives and the practice of gaining subjectivity on the visual sources of Kazakh culture of the end of the 19 - beginning 21st century in the context of challenges of modernizing historical consciousness.
Research group