IRN AP08857194 “Visual anthropology and the history of images of Kazakhstan culture in XIX - XXI centuries: evolution and gaining of agency”
IRN AP08857194 “Visual anthropology and the history of images of Kazakhstan culture in XIX - XXI centuries: evolution and gaining of agency”
The main idea of the project is transdisciplinary study of visual culture of Kazakhstan of the end of XIX - beginning. 21st century. The results of the research will contribute to the formation of an innovative base of historical and cultural knowledge and the modernization of historical consciousness. While visual material has been used more frequently in historical studies as illustrative material, this type of source has a significant heuristic potential for historical research, especially in the new and emerging time, in the context of the expansion of modes of communication and the preservation of visual information and the evolution of forms of visual coding of identity. The goal of the project is historical-anthropological study of visual narratives and the practice of gaining subjectivity on the visual sources of Kazakh culture of the end of the 19 - beginning 21st century in the context of challenges of modernizing historical consciousness.
The goal of the project is historical-anthropological study of visual narratives and the practice of gaining subjectivity on the visual sources of Kazakh culture of the end of the 19 - beginning 21st century in the context of challenges of modernizing historical consciousness.
Research group
Dalayeva Tenlik
PhD in History, Associate Professor, Project Manager, Chief Researcher
IRN АР14871932 (2022-2024, 30 months) «Audiovisual plots of social history and cultural memory of Kazakhstan society (late 19 - early 21 centuries) »
Relevance: The main idea of project is a fundamental interdisciplinary study of audiovisual sources of social history and cultural memory of the Kazakh society of the late XIX – early XXI century The results of fundamental study will contribute to the classification of audiovisual plots of the acquisition of historical and national agency of the Kazakh society. The project aims to explore her audiovisual genealogy and classify the cultural diversity of its plots. For the first time in Kazakhstan historiography, the following will be carried out: the study of the audio (sound) content of narratives of social history and cultural memory of Kazakhstan society; the study of musical and song practices as forms and tools for the preservation, retransmission or invention by various actors of traditional aesthetics, the content of cultural memory lost or censored during the Soviet period, their reinvention, mimicry, hybridity or recontextualization in order to preserve certain accents important for preserving identity, for example, in official Soviet art forms; conceptualization of the sound content of historical narratives, understanding the ideological, aesthetic and pragmatic reasons for choosing one or another sound (music or another type of sound flow: more authentic or extrapolated from other cultures) in it.
Objective of the project: The aim is fundamental, synergetic, interdisciplinary study audiovisual plots of social history and cultural memory of Kazakhstan society on historical sources and materials of the late XIX – early XXI century. The audiovisual embodiment is representative reflection of socio-cultural processes and of cultural memory of Kazakhstan society.
Composition of the research group
Dalayeva Tenlik
candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor, project manager, Chief researcher